International Programme tutors 2024

Patrik Kainulainen

Howdy! I'm Patrik Kainulainen, a 24-year-old second-year tech student majoring in automation and computer science. I'll be serving as the international and sports tutor during the upcoming fall of 2024, and I'm already looking forward to all the fun and exciting activities we have planned!

I originally moved to Vaasa from Helsinki, but if all goes well, I hope to stay in Vaasa permanently. Congratulations on being admitted to Vaasa University, the best campus setting you could ask for. See you this fall!

Reshma Dsouza

Hey there! 🌟

I am Reshma Dsouza, a first year Master's student in Strategic Project Management at Seinäjoki. I made the big move from working as a project coordinator for a great company in the dynamic environment of Kuwait to the serene town of Seinäjoki, Finland, in July 2023. This place is a breath of fresh air, calm, peaceful, and it already feels like home. I love working out and going on long walks, and Seinäjoki is perfect for both.

Congratulations on securing your spot at the University of Vaasa. This year, I will be helping new students make their transition easy so we will definitely bump into each other throughout the fall.

Cheers to an amazing journey ahead!

Senni Salonen

Heyy!! First of all, welcome to Vaasa! I’m Senni Salonen, 23 years old second-year B.SC in Industrial Management student.

You’ve made an amazing decision when applying here, because student life in Vaasa is everything one can dream of. My own freshers autumn was a blast, and I can’t wait to live it all again next autumn with you! 

Have a great summer, see you soon!