Become a member

On this page you can find instructions for becoming a member of Tutti ry. You’ll get to use the benefits immediately after joining, read more below. 

You are eligible to become a member of Tutti ry if you study for B.Sc/M.Sc in Technology, or study certain subjects of B.Sc/M.Sc in Econ. and B.A., see the comprehensive list in “About us”. If you are unsure about your eligibility to become a member, do not hesitate to contact us!


  1. Create an account to Your student email is a good example as your credential. Tickets to events and receipts will be sent to the email used in registration.

  2. Fill out the membership form here. The form is in Finnish, you can find translations here:

    Etunimet = Your given name(s)
    Sukunimi = Your last name
    Opiskelijanumero (esim. x112233) = Your student number (i.e. x112233)
    Osoite = Your home address
    Postinumero = Your postal code/zip code
    Postitoimipaikka = City of residence
    Sähköpostiosoite = Your email address
    Matkapuhelinnumero = Your phone number

    Koulutusohjelma aloittaessa opinnot = Your subject’s aimed degree at the time of starting your studies

    TkK+DI, 3+2 vuotta = B.Sc + M.Sc. in Technology, 3+2y
    KTK + KTM, 3+2 vuotta = B.Sc. + M.Sc. in Econ. and B.A.
    KTM, 2 years = M.Sc. in Econ. and B.A.
    DI, 2 vuotta = M.Sc. in Technology

    Koulutusala = Subject (If the subject’s name is in Finnish, it’s a Finnish degree)
    Vahvistan ylläolevat tiedot oikeiksi ja liityn jäseneksi Tutti ry:hyn. Hyväksyn yhdistyksen säännöt ja sen tarkoituksen. = I confirm the information above to be correct and will become a member of Tutti ry. I agree with the association’s rules and its purpose.
    Hyväksyn = I agree

    (If the embedded link doesn’t work,

  3. Pay the membership fee with the desired payment method. After paying the membership fee (40.00€ in 2023), you are immediately eligible to our members’ benefits, such as discounted prices for our products, and our overalls (overalls are ordered once a year in the beginning of autumn). You can see the full list of benefits below.

    By becoming a member you consent to us handling your personal information. Read more in our Privacy Policy (in Finnish).


Tutti ry’s benefits to its members:

  • Free overalls with Tutti’s logo on the back. Keep in mind that the overalls can be ordered once a year in the beginning of autumn!

  • Weekly newsletter, that inform about i.e. open job positions, and events

  • Discounted ticket prices to Tutti’s events

  • Right to participate in Tutti’s bush league football team, and to Tutti’s weekly sports sessions

  • Right to purchase the teekkari cap (applicable to only students of B.Sc./M.Sc. in Technology)

  • Services in Tuttis, such as free coffee

  • Tutti’s products for discounted prices. You can find our offering in

Other benefits to Tutti’s members offered by our partners include:

  • Discounted price for tap drinks, a bottle of wine in Fontana Club and Tørst Company

  • Lunch for 13,50€ in El Diablito. -15% discount for á la carte menu items

  • A burger offer for 20€ in Fondis, which includes a burger meal and a tap drink

  • Massaging service for discounted prices from Hierontapalvelu Esa Holkko

  • A 10% discount for orders over 35€ in Fiksuruoka for code TUTTI10

  • 10% discount from á la carte menu dishes every evening in Urban pasta, remember to prove your membership from!

  • Discounted prices for jet ski rentals from Jetlyfe: -20% discount on May, August and September, -15% discount on June and July